「What did you learn in your last job?」 是面試官經常向求職者提出的一個問題。其實,面試官發問這問題的原因相當簡單,就是為著了解求職者的領悟力和執行力。站在上司和僱主的立場,他們當然希望可以聘請到一個悟性高的員工,好讓他們在執行大小事務時都能省心省力。
緊記,在面試官問你“What did you learn in your last job?”後,切忌為了思考回答方式而一下子沉默下來。頓然沉默不但會令當刻的氣氛相當尷尬,更會顯得自己反應遲鈍,進而使對方對你產生負面的感覺。反之,當你正在思考如何回答這問題的時候,你可以先說 “I’ve learned a lot during my XX months/ years of experience at my previous job.”,從而讓自己偷出幾秒鐘時間好好思索。
Part 1:公司文化方面
“Working in an environment where ......(細節)…..., I learned ...... . That will help me thrive in this future position because (+論述原因).”
“Working in an environment of strict deadlines taught me how to be self-disciplined(自律的). I learned that there was no such thing as a good excuse. That will help me thrive (≈ to be successful)in this position because you’ll never have to wonder whether I’m being effective (效率)and productive(有生產力的/富有成效的. Also, I have the ability to thrive under pressure and in a busy environment and enjoy doing so.”
「在需要經常趕deadlines的環境下工作使我學會了自律,亦令我明白到不能以藉口來逃避工作。 這經歷將有助於我在這個職位上成長,而你也不用懷疑我的效率和生產力。此外,我擅長且享受在壓力及忙碌的環境下工作。」
Part 2:日常工作方面
"Working on the XXX (e.g. marketing)team, I was expected to achieve ......(具體結果)...... .Over time, I developed the habit of ...... .That will definitely help me thrive in this future position because (+論述原因).”
(在XXX團隊工作,我需要達到 ......(具體結果)......。不知不覺,我養成了XXX的習慣。這將有助於我駕馭這個職位,因為……。)
“Working on the product development team, I was expected to implement(實行/實施/執行)strategies, and feature definition for each product or product line, and to produce at least two major wins every year. Although most of our ideas would fail, over time, I developed the habit of keeping a log (記錄日誌)of failed tests. If you choose to hire(聘請) me, you’ll never have to teach me the same lesson twice.”
「在產品開發團隊的工作中,我需要為每個產品或產品系列制定戰略和功能定義,並每年發行最少兩件成功的產品。 儘管我們的大多數想法都不會被採納,但不知不覺,我養成了記低失敗之作的習慣。 如果你決定聘請我,你無需重新教導我相同的東西。」
Part 3:人際關係方面
“Working with XXX (e.g. 同事/老闆/上司)who would always XXX, I learned to be ...... . That will definitely help me thrive in this future position because (+論述原因).”
“Working with team members who would always double-check (再檢查一遍/複查)my work and call me out on mistakes, I learned to be detail-oriented (以細節為導向/注重細節)and to think a few steps ahead (思考多幾步)about what I would be asked. That indeed helps me in this client-driven(客戶主導的) role because I’ll always have prepared well-thought-out(精心計劃的;經縝密思考的)answers to questions they haven’t asked yet.”
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