出身國際電視媒體,精通五種語言。前半生在多家跨國公司擔任要職,從事銷售、管理、翻譯卅載,在中港兩地有近20年寶貴的實幹業務經驗。後半生創辦智邦環球有限公司,深信人的潛力無限,助人運用正面心態,提高演示、管理、銷售、教練能力,增長業績,留住人才,支持他們摘下事業與人生的金牌。Leadership Coaching
David 被選中接受領導力教練,心裏很不是滋味。
David has been selected to receive leadership coaching and he does not feel great about it.
“I’ve worked hard and performed well. I should be getting the promotion and raise. Why should I be coached?”
But orders are orders, so David went to the meeting. Upon arrival, he saw his boss Ethan with another gentleman Coach Michael.
“David, you know you are one of the few senior managers that have been handpicked for grooming. You have performed well and the company has high hopes on you to play a more important role. So they have decided to hire an executive coach to support your leadership development in the next six months.”, said Ethan.
“I appreciate and cherish this wonderful opportunity.”
“David, the purpose of this meeting is to spell out our coaching relationship in front of your superior. All our coaching conversations are confidential. Ethan won’t ask me, and I won’t tell. As this is part of the leadership development programme, Ethan and I will have a mid-term review on the progress and effectiveness of your leadership at the end of the third month. He will share with me his observation of your behaviour, attitude and performance at the workplace. I will also report generally on what I have noticed about your changes. We will then discuss on what other better ways to support you. Of course we’ll have a final review after 6 months. Would you agree to that?”
David pondered for a while and agreed.
“If the company is investing on me, it’s understandable that they would want to know the progress.”
“Good. So before we decide when to start our first session, is there anything you want to have more clarity?”
“Yes. What do I need to prepare?”
“Good question. I’ll send you a Coachability Index to fill in, and ask you to set 5 specific goals on leadership that you wish to achieve in the next 6 months. You’re required to send me a Pre-Coaching Preparation Questionnaire 24 hours before each session, and a Post-Coaching Integration after each session. The aim is to focus on the important aspects that you really want to work on and to ensure the best use of our time together.”
“Got it! Let’s start on next Tuesday then.”
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