Summary of listed companies announcements (6)
Code Company Summary
01731 PROSPEROUS IND Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
01733 E-COMMODITIES Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
01733 E-COMMODITIES Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities)
01756 C VOCATIONAL ED Announcements and Notices - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents
/ Change of Company Name)
01756 C VOCATIONAL ED Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report / Environment
al, Social and Governance Information/Report)
01756 C VOCATIONAL ED Announcements and Notices - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents
/ Change of Company Name / Notice of AGM / Closure of Books or Chan
ge of Book Closure Period)
01756 C VOCATIONAL ED Circulars - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents / Re-election or
Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Explan
atory Statement for Repurchase of Shares / General Mandate / Other)
01765 XJ INTL HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Major Transaction / Delay in Dispatch
of Circular or other Document)
01772 GANFENGLITHIUM Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
01776 GF SEC Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Iss
ue of Securities and Related Matters)
01787 SD GOLD Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
01787 SD GOLD Announcements and Notices - (Closure of Books or Change of Book Clo
sure Period)
01787 SD GOLD Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Boa
rd/Supervisory Board Resolutions)
01800 CHINA COMM CONS Debt and Structured Products - (Redemption of Repurhcase - Debt Sec
urities / Withdrawal of Listing - Debt Securities)
01812 CHENMING PAPER Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01812 CHENMING PAPER Announcements and Notices - (Movements in Issued Share Capital)
01821 ESR Takeovers Code - dealing disclosures
01833 PA GOODDOCTOR Takeovers Code - dealing disclosures
01846 EUROEYES Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01848 CALC Announcements and Notices - (Discloseable Transaction)
01850 HSC RESOURCES Announcements and Notices - (Capital Reorganisation / Closure of Bo
oks or Change of Book Closure Period / Placing / Rights Issue / Tra
ding Arrangements (other than Change in Board Lot Size))
01884 EPRINT GROUP Circulars
01884 EPRINT GROUP Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Interim/Half-Year Report)
01891 HENG HUP Constitutional Documents
01891 HENG HUP Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction / Ame
ndment of Constitutional Documents / Results of EGM/SGM)
01910 SAMSONITE Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01945 ZERO2IPO Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01972 SWIREPROPERTIES Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01980 TIANGE Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01986 TSAKER NE Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
02005 SSY GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Other - Business Update)
02005 SSY GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
02018 AAC TECH Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
02020 ANTA SPORTS Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
02039 CIMC Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news