Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
Part 4A:如何用E-mail祝賀BB誕生
To: beth_w@wiseman.com
Subject: Congratulations on Your New Baby
Dear Elizabeth,
I know that this must be a busy time for you. However, [表示恭喜 I wanted to write to congratulate you on the birth of your daughter this past weekend.]
[表達高興的心情I've been looking forward to hearing this good news for months.] We've all been on pins and needles as the day grew closer and now we are all so excited that your daughter is here, .
Motherhood is certainly very special, and [新手媽媽祝賀語 I am certain that you will be a wonderful mother.]
Once again, congratulations, and enjoy the new addition to your family家庭的新成員!
Best Regards,
Part 4B:如何回覆祝賀BB誕生E-mail
To: evelynlau@universeadd.com
Subject: Re: Congratulations on Your New Baby!
Dear Evelyn,
Thank you so much for your heartfelt e-mail. It was so nice to read your kind
Yes, it has been a busy time but it has also been wonderful. Nothing is better
than holding your own child in your arms as she sleeps.
Thank you again, Evelyn, for your e-mail. I can't wait for you to meet my daughter.
Best Regards,
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