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  • Mei Ling

    Mei Ling

    廖吳美玲Mei Ling,做為電視真人騷《盛女愛作戰》幕後顧問一夜爆紅,因其經驗豐富,點評中肯直接,且手握優質筍盤無數,被譽為鑽石媒人,備受好評。其創立的香港婚姻介紹所Hong Kong Matchmakers。

    Mei Ling曾於紐約婚姻介紹學院就讀,成為美、德註冊婚配師,創立香港婚姻介紹所,有別於其他婚介所,Mei Ling所設門檻很高,專為香港單身高學歷人士作婚姻配對,創辦16年,成功撮合的高層男女不下數百對。

    Mei Ling曾於世界頂級大企業任要職,包括貿發局法蘭克福貿易顧問等。曾獲歐盟市場開拓及業務發展比賽冠軍,成為首位女性及華人獲得此殊榮。亦曾創立自己的時裝生意,在高峰時賣盤。

    著有《How to Find A Husband》。 Man Manual, Navigating Relationships

    鑽石媒人Mei Ling























  美國總統甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)夫人賈姬‧甘迺迪(Jacqueline Bouvier),在她的人生中曾有3位伴侶。最後一位莫里斯‧蒂姆佩爾斯曼(Maurice Tempelsman) 樣貌呆笨,絕不能配得上賈姬夫人的端莊氣質;他既沒有甘迺迪的英俊面孔,更沒有亞里士多德‧歐納西斯(Ari Onassis)的衝鋒氣概,但他有明暸別人的優點、穩重而冷靜沉著的特質,賈姬•甘迺迪與他一起時感到非常安寧。








Year End Assessment


  People habitually make “New Year Resolutions” at the beginning of each year when a self assessment at the end of each bygone year would probably be more useful - the latter simply renders the former more effective. This being December again, perhaps we should reflect and try to find out the real reasons why we are still single.


  We sent out a circular earlier to 300 single women informing them about our book research with 100 men and invited them to contribute questions. The collective response was poor, questions posted were scant and shallow. " What would you do to please me?" " How do you make me laugh?..." “ If you were to buy me a watch, which brand would you choose ? ” ... It was truly disappointing.


  Wouldn’t job seekers want to know what the employers are looking for ? Wouldn’t salesmen pitching new clients like to know more about their businesses ? So why wouldn’t these women want to know what the men want ??!!! As a mother myself, I can’t help wondering if this isn’t the generation of monsters we parents have inadvertently created by having over-indulged our children, over-built their self esteem, so they now mutate into a cohort of self centered princesses with little EQ and big ideas of getting their own way without figuring out how to give in order to get.


  2012 has been an amazing year for us as we have successfully matched many couples who are now deliriously happy. Unfortunately, there were also ladies with whom we tried very hard and failed. Instead of weeping in our soup, let’s try to identify common mistakes and learn from them :


Not Being Positive


  Positive things happen to positive people and negative things happen to negative people. We see time and again, how those who take responsibility of creating their own reality and work on improving their attitudes win. Whereas the negative ones who keep on blaming bad luck, the men, the job, the society, the world and god will continue to fail - last year, this year & the next.


Not Being Accountable


  Some women go on a date with this “Are you good enough for me ?” attitude, expecting to be wooed off their feet. Others mistakenly assume that acting cool and nonchalant would entice the men to run after them in hot pursuit. Unfathomable stupidity. Understand that there can be no relationship without repeat dates, there aren’t repeat dates if the first wasn’t good, and if the first wasn’t good, 50% of the responsibility lies with you ! So why relinquish & wait for others to shape your destiny ? Be accountable, contribute, and work darn hard to make the first date & repeat dates wonderful.


Not Being Holistic


  Some people are hell bent on fault finding and try hard to justify why these matches aren’t perfect when they themselves are far from being perfect. Learn to count not only faults, but also merits; not only differences, but also similarities. Do not hasten to judge, and be fair if you must – be holistic in your approach, step back and look at the big picture. Above all , understand you are looking for a husband and not a boyfriend and be intelligent enough to differentiate the two.


Not Being Realistic


  Jacqueline Bouvier had three life partners. The last one Maurice Tempelsman was colorless and as unprepossessing as Jackie was captivating. He did not have the dash of a Jack Kennedy or the flash of Ari Onassis, but he offered understanding, stability and serenity. She was at peace with him.


  To acknowledge your stage of life and correctly identify your needs as versus your wants is being realistic. To continue dreaming of the White Knight descending upon you in full glory is unrealistic, especially when you are already in your mid 30s, 40s or above.


  Understand that thoughts lead us to actions which lead to results. Unrealistic expectations & negative attitudes are wrong thoughts, bringing wrong results. With 2012 coming to a close, let’s clear the cobwebs of wrong thoughts, make room for positive new ones, hence leading us to positive results.




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  • ben2013發表於 2013-2-20 01:33 PM
  • #9
  • Very good clippings/sharing. Indeed the phenonmen was true and has been there in hk for...many years (as I live in hk for more than 30 years and knows a lot of female frds while I think they are the majorty though some look ppl called 'SUPER BEAUTY' but my view is BEAUTY is from within )

    I can be the survey participants and sample targets in the future (if needs my assistance)!
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  • ylc1106發表於 2013-1-4 06:54 AM
  • #8
  • 你認為美國人或西方人不自我中心嗎?他們不是看自己比其他人優越嗎?


  • 引用 #5 jeferyandy 發表於 2012-12-27 11:39 PM

    絕對同意筆者說法, 現今的(香港)女性, 大多數為港女, 自己高高在上, 自己永遠是對的, 自我中心強烈, 專挑別 ...
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  • ylc1106發表於 2013-1-4 06:50 AM
  • #7
  • 自我中心這個問題絕對不只是女性的問題,香港男人也是如此。其實世界上每個地方也是如此。

  • 引用 #5 jeferyandy 發表於 2012-12-27 11:39 PM

    絕對同意筆者說法, 現今的(香港)女性, 大多數為港女, 自己高高在上, 自己永遠是對的, 自我中心強烈, 專挑別 ...
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  • morewu888發表於 2012-12-28 11:03 AM
  • #6
  • 我有朋友,他家人每次見到我,都叫我介紹女仔比佢個仔識,我就同佢講,你個仔甘高要求,好難介紹,又唔願意出去識新朋友,非常難,大家都覺得我好無誠意,講呢D說話,我可以講講我朋友,佢話要滕原紀香甘既樣,我心諗,有既我都識左啦!佢自己又唔係靚仔,又無學歷同上進心,又唔多識同人溝通,成日係屋企,你係劉華都唔得啦,唔通有件靚女走上你屋企話好想溝你!
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  • jeferyandy發表於 2012-12-27 11:39 PM
  • #5
  • 絕對同意筆者說法, 現今的(香港)女性, 大多數為港女, 自己高高在上, 自己永遠是對的, 自我中心強烈, 專挑別人的不是(純粹是自己的不滿), 而不自知…可悲!
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  • 雨蝶發表於 2012-12-26 11:11 PM
  • #4
  • 今年十二月十二日我就告別了單身的行列,與相識、相戀十載的男朋友共諧連理,當天溫馨的場面現在雖然過了兩周還能銘記於心,丈夫給我今年的生日禮物真是最特別及一世難忘。
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  • jeferyandy發表於 2012-12-25 09:38 PM
  • #3
  • 最近有位朋友講述自己的男朋友,全無主見,事事都由家人代為說話,連女朋友打算買樓置業,只要求男方掏出十萬元作為首期的一小部分,而男方可以居位此單位,而供樓的金錢亦不需要承擔,只負責日常開支算了;但對方家長竟然覺得女方欺騙自己的兒子,要求共同享有樓宇的業權;那女方當然說,不寧願自己再想盡辦處理首期,而樓宇便全是自己的。事件雖然了結,但後事仍會有很多問題出現,雙方家長對對方諸多不滿,要是走下去,我相信難成一家人了。身為朋友亦應該勸導一下自己的好友,要決定如何走下去。
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  • Who_am_I發表於 2012-12-25 05:05 PM
  • #2
  • 單身人士無分男女,尤其長期單身的,都有本身的問題,若想盡早脫離單身的行列,就應趁年尾檢討一下自己,調整心態,戒除陋習,迎接新的一年和另一半。
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