There is no need to trust me.
Trust the proven money problem found in the HKU poll centre.
However, I wouldn't suggest the members trusting a liar like you either.
引用 #203 ctang8 發表於 2015-6-15 11:06 AM
Childish enough to believe only your word.? Yes or no - Only fair judgement comes with understandin ...一D幽默感都無嘅!
引用 #202 ctang8 發表於 2015-6-15 11:04 AM
回覆 熱愛香港 That is good and kind advice. Obviously, you don't like to learn. I resign my case ...回覆 #200 熱愛香港
It is a childish thought that the statutory authority would disclose the details to the public during criminal investigation.
Your questions only reveal that you are trying to cover the irregularity found in HKU poll centre.
Credibility of HKU poll is zero, so is you, the liar of Etnet.
引用 #199 ctang8 發表於 2015-6-15 10:54 AM
回覆 六十後男士 Who in the poll centre has been investigated? Who is discredited? Who is sacked? ...仁兄,兩個仙都唔值喎。
引用 #195 ctang8 發表於 2015-6-15 10:00 AM
對「慎思民調」無認識的人,才會有這樣的結論。 要明白調查方式和內容,它才能有參考價值。- money int ...回覆 #198 六十後男士
Improper fund was proven.
The persons concerned should have been resigned voluntarily.
However, the shameless Chung is reluctant to do so.
Thus, HKU integrity has been damaged totally already.
No trust to any HKU or its blind followers' words.
You are one of the blind followers.
引用 #197 ctang8 發表於 2015-6-15 10:35 AM
Liar, your words mean nothing to anyone. If there is improper funding, charge them.請先碓認, 港大是次民調的資金來源, 乾唔乾淨才說.
你以為香港人失憶, 忘記了港大民調違規受捐款的前科?
涉案有關人員, 尚未撤換, 何來公信力?
港大任何調查, 可以不理便是.
引用 #195 ctang8 發表於 2015-6-15 10:00 AM
對「慎思民調」無認識的人,才會有這樣的結論。 要明白調查方式和內容,它才能有參考價值。- money int ...對「慎思民調」無認識的人,才會有這樣的結論。
要明白調查方式和內容,它才能有參考價值。- money into your pocket.
引用 #186 熱愛香港 發表於 2015-6-14 08:54 PM
“講大” 為港台做嘅「慎思民調」結果顯示: 從社會整體考慮,有50%受訪者表示支持立法會通過政改方案,反 ...真知卓見
引用 #189 YNWL 發表於 2015-6-14 09:07 PM
最唔民主班人 就是泛毒自己? 如果「民主」的追求 是動亂內亂內耗 這樣的「民主」你要嗎? 如果「民主」 ...